Friday, 5 October 2012

Lights are extremely important...

Today we studied lights in class. Lights are a very important aspect of any scene. it helps in creating the mood of the scene. The lights not only helps in explaining the scene to the viewers but also helps them in understanding the emotions of the characters thus instilling feelings in the viewers as well so making it relatable.

There are two type of light:
High Key lighting are considered to be full of light. Usually used in cases to show happiness. The three things to notice in any high key image is that:
  • the will always be bright. the exposure settings are set to the very high in order to create a high key images
  • the lack contrast.the same color follows throughout the image
  • the lack of shadows, because the light is so much, much of the shadows are filled up due to the bright light.
In Low Key lighting the tone is darker, and the controlling color is usually black. There will be lots of dark areas in the picture. It is very common for Low Key images to give special attention to contour lines, emphasizing them with highlights.
Low Key images are also notable for a great deal of contrast that they display. Most notable is the rim light. A light surrounding the subject illuminating only the contour of the shape. So the contrast is between dark shape and bright contour.Low Key images are full of drama and/or tension.

The major lights in any scene consists of three point lighting.
Key lighting
This is the main light used on the subject. The purpose of the key light is to put the light on the subject. You can place it anywhere you want, but a common placement is about 45 degrees to either side of the camera, and about 45 degrees up from the subject.

Usually the key light is not placed at an angel. It can be placed right in front but this light tends to fill in the shadows caused by the wrinkles, make the face appear wider. Its called Flat light but usually it gives a very boring look, making the character appear very flat. In other terms it is also called Glamorous light because when used on models it helps in hiding the wrinkles and bring details such as eyes and lips into focus.

When the key light is placed to the side of the subject,  it illuminates only half of their face and hides the rest in shadows. This type of light is called side light which helps in portraying a conflict that the character is facing.

Placing the key light right above the subjects head, at a higher angle gives an undesirable effect because it creates shadows under the eyes. Also placing the light right below the subject unsettles the viewer about the characters but both these lights help when dealing with scenes and characters that play a negative role for example situation can be like a police investigation under a single light bulb or characters such as murderers etc.

Another way of using key light is by placing the light right behind the subject so that the subject becomes dark but only the outline is visible which creates a silhouette.

our own example of key lights are:

Fill lighting
The main purpose of a Fill light is to fill in the shadows that are created by the Key light in order to prevent the face from looking to dark.The fill light is generally a much softer light. It helps in filling up the shadows but if it is two bright you might end up having two shadows on the face. The intensity of the fill light can be dialed down, either by moving it away from the subject or by putting a diffuser in front of it so that the light becomes softer.sometime if you don't want to use lights use reflectors instead.
Also Reflector
                                                         Without Reflector or Fill Light
                                                         With Reflector or Fill Light

Back light/Rim light
Back light often know as a Rim light creates a very interesting look on the characters. By placing the light right behind the character the characters outline is highlighted.Although the problem with using such type of light is that when there is no light in the front of the character the characters face becomes dark. So by placing a key light low intensity at an angle to the camera and adding back light to it as well, helps in adding a very soft and dreamy look to the character but still defined.

the usage of reflectors and diffuser.
One of the problems that we face when working with lights is that we don't have access to studio lights. Either the lights we use are of very high intensity or very low and the settings of such lights can not be changed such as lamps or LED lights. When wanting to reduce the intensity of lights the usage of a Diffuser seems like the best option. With the help of a diffuser the light can be soften up so that the light on the face does not blow out the details of the characters but diffuses and spreads.

Our own example of image without diffuser and with diffuser
                                                                 Without Diffuser
                                                                    With Diffuser

Reflectors on the other hand help in adding more light to the scene. As discussed earlier in the cause of a fill light a reflector can be used as well. It reflects the light of a surface and since light travels in a straight line it bonuses of the reflector and hits the subject(part where we want the light). Type of reflectors are white, black, golden and silver.white and black balances the light on the face. Golden usually is used under the sun light to give it a sunlight feel or under tungsten. Silver where the face is usually very much in the dark and needs to be brighten up but the usage differs from scene to scene.

Also Fill Light

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